Air Conditioners

To meet the SEER2 requirements in the southeast region, residential central air systems below 45,000 Btu must have a SEER2 rating of 14.3 (15.0 SEER). Residential central air systems 45,000 Btu and above must have a SEER2 rating of 13.8 (14.5 SEER). We currently offer a line of air conditioners that start at the minimum efficiency available and go all the way up to a 19 SEER2. Depending on your average usage, higher SEER2 air conditioners can significantly reduce your electric bill.
Additionally, we offer many air conditioners that have advanced features, such as 2-stage compressors and variable speed fan operation. These features not only improve the comfort level of your home, but can provide additional energy savings as well.
Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are a great solution for your home comfort system because they work to provide both heating and cooling. Heat pumps have SEER2 ratings like air conditioners and Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF2) ratings for measuring heating efficiency. Higher SEER2 and HSPF ratings mean greater energy savings. The minimum for our region is 14.3 SEER2 and
7.5 HSPF2.
Heat pumps are a very efficient alternative to electric heat. A heat pump works the same as an air conditioner in the summer, but it runs in reverse in the winter to heat your home. The system will be matched with a backup heating source, most often electric heat for those extremely cold days of winter.
Just like our air conditioners, many of our heat pumps have advanced features, such as 2-stage compressors and variable speed fan operation. These features not only improve the comfort level of your home, but can provide additional energy savings as well.
Air Handlers

The air handler is the indoor component of a heat pump system. It includes the fan and the heating/cooling coil. The air handler is designed for a particular refrigerant, so it must be matched with the heat pump or air conditioner.
We offer many air handlers with variable and multi-speed features that can provide enhanced indoor comfort by slowly ramping up to your thermostat setting rather than simply turning on at full speed. This alleviates the "cold air blow" often associated with single speed air handlers, and dramatically reduces system noise.
Gas Furnaces

Today's new high efficiency furnaces can save up to 50% in operating costs over a ten-year-old furnace. Many 1990 and earlier model furnaces have Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) ratings of 65% or less. The minimum AFUE rated furnace that can be sold in the United States today is 80% for the Southeast and Southwest, with 90% being the minimum in the North.
Our current product offering starts at 80% AFUE and goes all the way to a very efficient 98%+ AFUE rating. Depending on your average usage, higher AFUE rated furnaces can significantly reduce your gas bill.
The DOE’s regional breakdown by state is as follows:
- North – 80% AFUE
- Southeast – 90% AFUE
- Southwest - 90% AFUE

Let Braswell's Air Conditioning & Heating Services Help Pick The Right Furnace For Your Home
We offer many furnaces with variable and multi-speed features that can provide enhanced indoor comfort by slowly ramping up to your thermostat setting rather than simply turning on at full speed. This alleviates the "cold air blow" often associated with single speed furnaces, and dramatically reduces system noise. Call us now at (832) 425-8265.
Packaged Units

Our complete line of packaged systems include Packaged Air Conditioners, Packaged Gas Furnaces and Air Conditioners, Packaged Heat Pumps and Packaged Hybrid Heat. These self-contained systems are located outside of the home, mounted on the ground or the roof, and ducted into the home.
Just like individual furnaces, air conditioners and heat pumps, these package units carry SEER/SEER2, EER/EER2, AFUE and HSPF/HSPF2 ratings. The higher the rating, the more energy efficient the unit is. The Department of Energy’s (DOE) new minimum efficiency standards vary by region, so your choice of package units will depend on where you live.
The DOE’s regional breakdown by state is as follows:
- North
- 14.0 SEER/ 13.4 SEER2
- 8.0 HSPF/6.7 HSPF2
- 80% AFUE
- Southeast
- 15.0 SEER/ 14.3 SEER2
- 8.0 HSPF/6.7 HSPF2
- 90% AFUE
- Southwest
- 15.0 SEER/ 14.3 SEER2
- 8.0 HSPF/6.7 HSPF2
- 90% AFUE

SEER2 is an updated rating standard introduced by the DOE. SEER2 standards are intended to provide a better gauge of typical home operating conditions whereas the older SEER rating utilized very precise protocols to determine ratings in ideal conditions. SEER2 standards include updated testing means that give a better indication of how a unit will operate in the real world.
HSPF2 is the newest type of rating system that expands on the basic HSPF scale.
Much like miles-per-gallon for a car, SEER/SEER2, EER/EER2, AFUE and HSPF/HSPF2 offer an easy way to compare efficiencies of different products – the higher the rating, the more efficient the unit. Just be sure you are comparing either SEER vs SEER or SEER2 vs SEER2 (same for EER/EER2 and HSPF/HSPF2).
EER2 versus SEER2
EER2 and SEER2 both evaluate an air conditioner’s energy efficiency, but they’re concerned with two different types of temperature conditions:
- EER2 measures an air conditioner’s efficiency at the peak cooling temperature of 95°F.
- SEER2 measures an air conditioner’s efficiency throughout an entire cooling season, with temperatures ranging from 65°F to 104°F.
Right-Size Your HVAC Packaged Units. Give Braswell's Air Conditioning & Heating Services A Call Today!
We carry a wide offering that includes advanced features such as 2-stage compressors, variable speed fans and quiet operation. Call us now at (832) 425-8265.
Duct Free Systems

Ductless heating and cooling systems make your home's individual rooms or other small spaces more comfortable. Remember, just like whole-home systems, the higher the SEER and HSPF ratings, the more efficient they will be.
We offer a variety of through-the-wall packaged terminal air conditioners (PTAC) and duct free heating and cooling systems to meet any individual room's needs.

Thermostats are used to turn on heating or cooling systems to bring the home to a set temperature. In addition to basic temperature control, programmable thermostats can be used to manage the indoor environment of your home at different times of the day or week. This type of control can have a dramatic impact on the overall energy use of your home. We carry a complete line of thermostats. Let us help you choose the one that best matches your lifestyle.
Nest Thermostats

Meet the next generation thermostat. Most people leave the house at one temperature and forget to change it. So Nest learns your schedule, programs itself and can be controlled from your phone. Teach it well and Nest can lower your heating and cooling bills up to 20%. Only 11% of programmable thermostats are programmed to save energy, but Nest remembers the temperatures you like and builds a schedule for you. It's so simple that 99% of Nests have schedules.
Ecobee Thermostats

Thermostats are used to turn on heating or cooling systems to bring the home to a set temperature. In addition to basic temperature control, programmable thermostats can be used to manage the indoor environment of your home at different times of the day or week. This type of control can have a dramatic impact on the overall energy use of your home. We carry a complete line of thermostats. Let us help you choose the one that best matches your lifestyle.
Zoning Products

Zoning can provide optimum comfort with increased energy savings in your home by dividing a home into areas with similar heating and cooling needs and independently controlling the temperature in each area. Much like multiple light switches that independently control lighting in different rooms, with zoning, multiple zone thermostats or sensors control temperature in different areas of the home. Contact us for an in-home evaluation and estimate.
Air Cleaners

Air cleaners effectively remove bacteria, pollen, animal dander and other pollutants as small as 0.01 microns. That's 18,000 times smaller than the head of a pin. The higher the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV), the more efficiently the cleaner removes particles. We offer air cleaners that range from MERV 10 to MERV 15 to meet your needs. For those families that have severe allergies, we also offer Whole House High Efficiency Particulate Arresting (HEPA) filtration systems.

Too much humidity harms your immediate environment. Estimates suggest that the average family can produce over 11 liters of excess moisture every single day. While this affects the house in obvious ways, like mold, damp patches and spoiled surfaces, it also affects people's health in more important ways, aggravating conditions like asthma, arthritis and rheumatism.
Dehumidifiers work in tandem with your heating and cooling system to maintain desired humidity levels throughout your home. Maintaining proper humidity levels in your home is essential to maintaining indoor comfort during the summer months. Lower humidity levels make you feel cooler at warmer temperatures, which means you can set your thermostat higher without sacrificing comfort.
Depending on the size of your home, we offer a variety of dehumidifiers to remove the right amount of moisture from the air.
UV Lights

Ultraviolet light kills bacteria and mold growing on your indoor coil before they are circulated throughout your home. UV lamps are installed near your existing indoor coil and work diligently to rid your home of the bacteria, viruses, mold and germs that impact your home's health. We install 1 or 2 lights per indoor coil, depending on the size of the coil.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas which makes it extremely dangerous. CO detectors can protect your family from deadly carbon monoxide gas. Fuel-burning appliances such as oil and gas furnaces, gas water heaters, gas ranges and ovens, gas dryers, gas or kerosene space heaters, fireplaces and wood stoves are all sources of carbon monoxide.
A monitored carbon monoxide detector will alert you if high levels of this deadly gas are detected. Local building ordinances require the installation of carbon monoxide detectors in your home. An expert technician from Braswell's Air Conditioning & Heating Services can properly install your CO detector and ensure it's functioning correctly.
Air Scrubber Air Purifiers

- ActivePure® Technology reduces the amount of ozone that exists in the air
- No other product features technology that works faster or more eciently than the Air Scrubber by Aerus
- Aerus features the only NASA Certi‑ed Space Technology™ in its class
- Millions of Satis‑ed Customers
- Our technology is designed, engineered, and produced in the United States
- Aerus is the only company that utilizes ActivePure® Certi‑ed Technology™ to protect against airborne and surface contaminants
- Aerus has been improving indoor conditions for over 90 years
- ActivePure® Technology is eective against MRSA, Staph, Strep, E-Coli, Listeria, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Hepatitis A, Norovirus, Bacillus, Pseudomonas and more
- Proven eective in the International Space Station, Liberty Bell, Ground Zero Museum, Major League Baseball facilities, hospitals, schools, homes and international hotel brands
Surge Protectors

A surge protector (or surge suppressor or surge diverter) is a device designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes. A surge protector attempts to limit the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or shorting to ground any unwanted voltages above a safe threshold. We offer a line of surge protectors specifically designed to protect your valuable HVAC equipment, minimizing power-related issues and avoiding costly repairs.